bella tan is locally owned and operated by matt policano and is located in rose bud plaza, clarksburg wv. our concept is to provide our area with an ultimate tanning destination; this is achieved through a combination of a knowledgeable, trained and smart tan certified staff, top of the line lotions and products and by offering a fleet of the industry's leading most advanced tanning equipment
Bella Tan is Smart Tan Certified! The International Smart Tan Network Certification is a unique and dynamic educational class that elevates participants tanning IQ within the industry. Once completed you become an expert in making your salon safer. Salons that have Smart Tan Certification training provide the most ideal tanning environment for their guests. Participants learn the history of Tanning, The skin, Ultraviolet light, how the skin tans, Indoor Tanning Equipment, Potential risks of UV, Operating procedures, equipment maintenance and troubleshooting.
Bella Tan understands the importance of providing our clients with the best tanning equipment available, It is why we are the only exclusive ergoline tanning studio in the area.
Bella Tan is committed to providing our clients with the resources to achieve a rich, beautiful, lasting tan and devoted creations tanning lotion is formulated to do just that.
Bella Tan has a tanning package that works not only with your budget but with your lifestyle schedule. We’ll help you get the results you desire.
Bella Tan offers the industry’s best in Sunless Air Brush tanning. Norvell Sunless solutions offer a beautiful instant bronze with a smooth transition to a natural DHA tan.